Re: Using beginSheet
Re: Using beginSheet
- Subject: Re: Using beginSheet
- From: Hua Ying Ling <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 09:25:19 -0400
- Organization: North Carolina State University
When I get this message it is usually because I have misplaced my
window - not hooked up properly in IB or released or something. Make
sure that both your windows are available! And if you are still learning
how to deal with windows and sheets, it is usually easier to create them
in IB, then programmatically like you do in your example here:
That's exactly what happened, in my case it was because the window wasn't
loaded by "initWithWindowNibName", still trying to figure out why.
> NSWindowController *newWindow = [[NSWindowController alloc]
> initWithWindowNibName: @"AddGroupDialog"];
> NSModalSession session = [NSApp
> beginModalSessionForWindow:[newWindow window]];
> [NSApp runModalSession:session];
> [NSApp beginSheet:[newWindow window]
> modalForWindow:mainWindow
> modalDelegate: self
> didEndSelector: @selector(didEndAddGroupSheet)
> contextInfo: NULL];
> [NSApp endModalSession:session];
When I see this code I'm a bit curious why you manually add a modal
session? Aren't sheets automatically modal? Try only this:
That originally didn't add a modal session first. I added it later because
of a misleading error, "need modal window to create modal session", this
error was actually because one of the windows wasn't loaded by
NSWindowController *newWindow = [[NSWindowController alloc]
initWithWindowNibName: @"AddGroupDialog"];
[NSApp beginSheet:[newWindow window]
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: @selector(didEndAddGroupSheet)
contextInfo: NULL];
Also notice the sheet doesn't block the execution of your code, so you
cannot end it right after opening it in the code - or else it will
disappear as soon as you have opened it... You will have to end the
modal session / sheet in the action method the buttons in your sheet, or
in the didEndSelector specified method.
I've also read that the didEndSelector must match this type of selector
"didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:" - ie. that number of parameters
and types, but I'm not sure that it is mandatory - keep it in mind if
you run into problems with that later though.
Yes in the end I got it to work by doing exactly what you suggested
creating a window in Interface Builder letting the app load the window for
me and I also had to use the didEndSheet selector.
Thanks for the help
~Hua Ying