Re: Obj-C vs Java
Re: Obj-C vs Java
- Subject: Re: Obj-C vs Java
- From: Scott Anguish <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 02:26:54 -0400
On Tuesday, July 24, 2001, at 09:12 PM, Tyler LaGrange wrote:
I had never heard of these historic Lighthouse applications before -
but I was interested - so I searched on Excite. According to this
article I found:
- it really doesn't mention that they ever intended to make desktop
apps out of these NextStep Applications. I didn't really look that
hard - but maybe somebody can elaborate for me on where they wasted all
kinds of time porting these and spent a ton of money and failed.
They spent $22 Million on Lighthouse, and produced not a single app
from it... and they also bought Sarrus, and the folks that wrote DevMan.
Not a single one of these became a product. And they tried,
eventually everyone was folded into JavaSoft, and that's that.
It seems to me that Forte is a Java Desktop Application that is
bringing in money to Sun. There are others out there:
and it is a developer tool no? It also seems to be FREE from Sun
for all but the fully licensed internet version.
That is a list of a bunch of Java applications submitted to that site
in the past 120 days. I see some MP3 players - Some Chat programs - a
bunch of XML utilities - graphing programs - a crystal reports
generator - and so on and so on and so on... I'd be willing to bet
that some of those people make some money off of developing Java
Desktop applications.
whether people are making money writing the apps, doesn't mean that
they are great apps (the criteria that you used to start this off).
Looking through the list you mentioned, a large percentage were
small freeware utils or classes/APIs. but not consumer apps. And most
seem to be aimed at where Sun is currently trying to sell Java... the
'server' side of applications...
Sun is even MORE unreliable than Apple in supporting developers..
Ask Fannie Mae... those of us who heard the horror stories of that
trading floor debacle will never trust Sun.