Re: How to make a plugin?
Re: How to make a plugin?
- Subject: Re: How to make a plugin?
- From: Georg Tuparev <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:37:53 +0200
Hey Rainer,
Here some comments and questions. BTW, did you received private replays
you your questions? will be interested to know them...
On Friday, July 20, 2001, at 03:01 AM, Rainer Brockerhoff wrote:
- (void)applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
// iterate over all ".plugin" bundles in the "Plugins" folder
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[NSBundle
inDirectory:[[NSBundle mainBundle] builtInPlugInsPath]]
Is the @"plugin" in pathsForResourcesOfType a magic ID? I could not see
documentation on this. What are the other magic IDs?
OK, this all works very well. But there are still some unsolved issues.
1) If I decide not to use a certain plugin anymore, I can deallocate
the instantiated object... but I found no way to close the bundle and
everything inside it as a whole. (I may even want to erase it entirely.)
Any hints?
I was doing this on NeXTstep. You can unload a class, but is a tricky
stuff. There should be no holes in the class stack. Did not tried it on
OSX though...
2) Should a plugin writer use a class name which has already been used
by the application (or by another plugin),
[plugb principalClass]
returns nil. OK, the new plugin won't get installed, but a long and
detailed error message is written to the console log, stating that the
class already exists.
I found no 100% reliable way of obtaining the bundle's principal class
name without calling principalClass and getting the error message. Yes,
I could call
[[plugb infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"NSPrincipalClass"]
but if the plugin's author didn't define it for some reason, the first
class in the executable is used - and I don't know how to get at that.
Again, you can query the runtime system. Check the objc.h & co. files
for different functions...
3) Even should I find out the principal class' name, how do I call the
ObjC runtime to check if this classname is already in use without
hitting a runtime error?
see the comment above. I hope there are better ways now for OSX, but I'm
sure is doable.
Georg Tuparev
Tuparev Technologies
Klipper 13
1186 VR Amstelveen
The Netherlands
Mobile: +31-6-55798196