Re: Displaying jpeg images
Re: Displaying jpeg images
- Subject: Re: Displaying jpeg images
- From: Cliff Crawford <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 23:25:08 -0400
* Charles Bennett <email@hidden> menulis:
Isn't it more likely that the perl script generates the image?
Yes, that is why the URL ends in a .pl extension. I should have
explained that before, sorry.
Perhaps the "accepts" mime types going in aren't correct or
the server is emitting something that's not understood.
The only way to know for sure is to connect to the server
via telnet and "play browser"
I haven't tried this, however someone else mentioned that
-initWithContentsOfURL: doesn't seem to work with http: URLs at all. I
guess I'll have to do
img = [NSImage initWithData: [url resourceDataUsingCache: YES]];
Cliff Crawford
"Cliff, you're a god. I want to bear your child." -- Ed