Re: WWDC Dev Tools / Software update
Re: WWDC Dev Tools / Software update
- Subject: Re: WWDC Dev Tools / Software update
- From: j o a r <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 17:29:15 +0200
On lvrdag, juni 16, 2001, at 05:06 , Andreas Monitzer wrote:
But it could check wether you already have the devtools installed (==
you are a registered developer) and provide you with the update.
That's not correct. The developer tools were shipped with *every*
package of Mac OS X. Not everyone on the world is a registered
developer (but that would simplify many things).
Oh, but puhleeeaze...
When they shipped the dev-tools to each and every one, mom and dad, and
keep them downloadable for any one who cares to go through a minimal
registration process - why not make it available through the Software
If that is such a major problem, then add a username & password box for
the ADC membership info to Software Update and be done with it - that
way every one could get all they are entitled to, regardless of their
relationship with Apple.
j o a r