10.1 server and routing
10.1 server and routing
- Subject: 10.1 server and routing
- From: Vinay Venkatesh <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 02:16:43 -0700
I am having some problems setting up 10.1 server with two nics. My
roommate and I have gotten general routing to work. But the computers
on the internal network cannot access any sites that have shockwave on
them. any help with anything related to this would be most helpful
here is my current set up:
built-in nic ----- ADSL over PPPoE
pci nic ---------- internal LAN (DHCP server running here..leasing to
v i n a y v e n k a t e s h
"The Internet? Is that thing still around?"