Re: Changing hostname in Cocoa?
Re: Changing hostname in Cocoa?
- Subject: Re: Changing hostname in Cocoa?
- From: "Sven A. Schmidt" <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 16:57:17 +0200
You can change the hostname from the command line as root (or
administrator) like this:
hostname newhostname
I don't think there's a Cocao framework for this, so from within Cocao,
you could something like this to set the hostname:
- (NSData *)runCliCommand: (NSString *)cmd
WithArgs: (NSArray *)args
int status;
NSTask *task = [[ NSTask alloc ] init ];
NSPipe *pipe = [ NSPipe pipe ];
NSFileHandle *readHandle = [ pipe fileHandleForReading ];
NSData *cmdOutput;
//NSLog( @"Starting task %@", cmd );
[ task setCurrentDirectoryPath: @"." ];
[ task setLaunchPath: cmd ];
if ( args )
[ task setArguments: args ];
[ task setStandardOutput: pipe ];
[ task launch ];
[ task waitUntilExit ];
cmdOutput = [ [ NSData alloc ] initWithData :[ readHandle
readDataToEndOfFile ] ];
status = [ task terminationStatus ];
//NSLog( @"Exit status %i", status );
[ task release ];
return [ cmdOutput autorelease ];
Just call it like this:
runCliCommand: @"/bin/hostname" withArgs: [ NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"newhostname", nil ];
Of course for this to work, you need to be admin (the admin runs the
program) or authenticate. The latter is a bit more complicated. There
are frameworks by Brian Hill / Ben Lachman available, see stepwise or
contact me if you need the classes.
I'm not sure if the lookup is updated by this, though, i.e. if your
intended "ftp newhostname" will work without having to update netinfo or
/etc/hosts. (You are correct that by default the flat file /etc/hosts is
not used for name lookup in multiuser mode, but you can get the system
to do it.)
On Montag, Oktober 15, 2001, at 05:14 Uhr, David Lee wrote:
I require my application to change the hostname of my computer, the
reasons are irrelevant to this post but how do I go about doing this in
I thought I was pretty good on UNIX systems and it turns out that I
can't even do this manually. I tried editing /etc/hostconfig and
changing the HOSTNAME=evolution part to the name of my choice and fair
enough, my command prompt reads with the correct hostname, but it's
only asthetic so how do I enable this to work so that I can type ftp
evolution from my console and get to my own machine just as with
I heard that OSX doesn't use /etc/hosts in multiple user mode and it
uses netinfo for this sort of thing. Is there a guide to netinfo or
Is it even possible to change the hostname in Cocoa?
Thanks for any help in advance,
David Lee
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