Re: Undocumented NSString API
Re: Undocumented NSString API
- Subject: Re: Undocumented NSString API
- From: Matthew Formica <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 15:28:18 -0700
In general, these routines are not documented because they aren't in the
public headers. They aren't in the public headers because they aren't
public API. Private API will always exist; it consists of half-baked
routines, routines that work in perhaps only a few internally-known cases
(or fail in only a few internally known cases), experimental routines that
are attempts at functionality but the API isn't solidified yet yet, etc.
Some private API may eventually become public API, and will be documented at
that time. Most of it will remain private.
We encourage developers not to use private API like this, because there is a
good chance that the routines will change names, behaviors, etc. in future
OS versions (breaking your programs), and we may not bother to tell you
about it because they are, well, private - reserved for Apple's own use. If
there is specific functionality that you would like (besides making all our
private API public), feel free to file a bug report and send feedback to
Matthew Formica
DTS Engineer - Developer Tools and Cocoa
Apple Computer, Inc.
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on 10/16/01 2:04 PM, Norbert Heger at email@hidden remarked:
I just discovered a bunch of quite useful (or at least useful sounding) but
unfortunately undocumented NSString methods. May we expect some of these
methods to become part of the official API one day, or do we have to
reinvent the wheel?
Best Regards, Norbert
Norbert Heger, Objective Development
@interface NSString (Undocumented)
- (BOOL)isCanonical;
- (BOOL)isCaseInsensitiveLike:(id)object;
- (BOOL)isLike:(id)object;
- (BOOL)matchesPattern:(id)aPattern;
- (BOOL)matchesPattern:(id)aPattern caseInsensitive:(BOOL)flag;
- (id)mutableSubstringFromRange:(NSRange)aRange;
- (NSRange)significantText;
- (NSString *)stringByAddingPercentEscapes;
- (NSString *)stringByConvertingPathToURL;
- (NSString *)stringByConvertingURLToPath;
- (NSString *)stringByRemovingPercentEscapes;
- (NSString *)stringWithoutAmpersand;
- (NSString *)canonicalString;
- (NSString *)displayableString;
- (NSString *)quotedStringRepresentation;
- (NSString *)standardizedNativePath;
- (NSString *)standardizedURLPath;
- (NSString *)urlPathByAppendingComponent:(NSString *)component;
- (NSString *)urlPathByDeletingLastComponent;
- (NSString *)urlPathRelativeToPath:(NSString *)path;
- (NSString *)lowercaseStringWithLanguage:(NSString *)aLanguage;
- (NSString *)uppercaseStringWithLanguage:(NSString *)language;
- (NSString *)capitalizedStringWithLanguage:(NSString *)language;
- (NSRange)_rangeOfPrefixFittingWidth:(float)width withFont:(NSFont *)font;
- (NSRange)_rangeOfSuffixFittingWidth:(float)width withFont:(NSFont *)font;
- (NSRange)_rangeOfSuffixFittingWidth:(float)width
- (NSRange)_rangeOfPrefixFittingWidth:(float)width
- (unsigned int)_endOfParagraphAtIndex:(unsigned int)anIndex;
- (BOOL)_getFSRefForApplicationName:(FSRef *)ref;
- (BOOL)_getFSRefForPath:(FSRef *)ref;
- (BOOL)_getFSRefForServiceName:(FSRef *)ref;
- (BOOL)_getFSSpecForPath:(FSSpec *)spec;
- (BOOL)_getVRefNumForPath:(short *)vref;
+ (NSString *)_pathForFSRef:(FSRef *)ref;
@interface NSMutableString (Undocumented)
- (void)_deleteAllCharactersFromSet:(NSSet *)aSet;
- (void)_replaceAllAppearancesOfString:(NSString *)aString
withString:(NSString *)aString;
- (void)_replaceFirstAppearanceOfString:(NSString *)aString
withString:(NSString *)aString;
- (void)_replaceLastAppearanceOfString:(NSString *)aString
withString:(NSString *)aString;
- (void)appendCString:(const char *)aString length:(int)aLength;
- (void)appendCharacter:(unsigned short)aCharacter;
- (void)appendCharacters:(const unsigned short *)characters
- (void)deleteLastCharacter;
- (void)insertString:(NSString *)aString atIndex:(unsigned int)anIndex;
- (void)replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)aRange
withCString:(const char *)cString length:(unsigned int)length;
- (void)replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)aRange
withCharacters:(const unsigned short *)characters
length:(unsigned int)length;
- (void)trimWhitespace;
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