Re: prob a silly question
Re: prob a silly question
- Subject: Re: prob a silly question
- From: "Axel 'Mikesch' Katerbau" <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 10:45:51 +0200 (Europe/Berlin)
Hi Robert,
[NSOpenPanel beginSheetForDirectory: file: types: modalForWindow:
modalDelegate: didEndSelector: contextInfo:]
call, I figure didEndSelector is the method to handle the users
selection when they click ok or cancel. But what does the
modalDelegate do?
I'm still getting the hang of delegates as it is. This one does not
seem to have any use. Is not the window just locked, the modal panel
displayed and the result passed to the didEndSelector method?
modalDelegate is the receiver of the message specified with
didEndSelector. To illustrate it a bit more (although not correct -
just to get the idea)...something roughly like:
[<modalDelegate> <didEndSelector>];