Re: Possibly OT: Mouse Acceleration
Re: Possibly OT: Mouse Acceleration
- Subject: Re: Possibly OT: Mouse Acceleration
- From: Ben Hines <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 13:26:51 -0800
At 7:25 PM +0100 2/1/02, Ondra Cada wrote:
Josh Ferguson (JF) wrote at Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:21:07 -0600:
JF> I think there used to be something in User Defaults to do this, but I
JF> can't find any information on it
Named "MouseScaling", used to be in domain "NeXT1". The value was an array
of speed values, don't remember the exact definition. It would help you none
anyway, since it seems to be deprecated, whilst the new in global domain looks different.
I am also interested in this... is just a float value that is applied to the
scaling table. You can set it via IOHIDSetMouseAcceleration. (that is
how MouseZoom works)
There is (the deprecated and not in public headers)
NXSetMouseScaling, but from looking at the darwin src it just
converts your table to a single value via IOHIDSetMouseAcceleration.
(it is in IOKitUser/hidsystem/IOEventStatusAPI.c)
NXGetMouseScaling looks up what you pass in in a hard coded table.
The mouse scaling table is not in HIDSystem of my IORegistry..
IOHIDParameter.h defines a HIDPointerAccelerationSettings key, but i
don't think it is used if you set it.
Same with kIOHIDPointerButtonMode. (to swap left and right buttons).
The AppleUSBMouse driver does not seem to pay attention to the key.
(or should it? am i setting it wrong?)
You may be able to get that to work for an app, as far as I can tell,
only the single scaling value is read on boot by HID.
This is all easily solved by hacking the driver, but I am trying to
add this to a pref pane that will work with HID and not hack apple
drivers. AppleUSBMouse defines a HIDPointerAccelerationTable in its
info.plist. I'm not sure if changing it will make a difference, since
the same table is also hardcoded into the driver in the darwin
For my own use, i just got a Kensington 2Button scrollwheel mouse.
The scaling curve seems much nicer with kensington's driver. But
still - anyone know of a user-level way to set the key and have it be
read by the system on boot? Lots of folks with Apple mice want this.
Perhaps when mice & keyboards are officially supported by HID, this
will be easy.