Re: how to hide/show/bring to front apps with Cocoa?
Re: how to hide/show/bring to front apps with Cocoa?
- Subject: Re: how to hide/show/bring to front apps with Cocoa?
- From: petite_abeille <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 21:30:40 +0200
On Saturday, July 13, 2002, at 08:18 , Finlay Dobbie enthusiastically
But of course! Hacking the system to bits by loading your own code into
every running application in order to do something for which there is
already a perfectly good API just provokes a certain reaction (it
wouldn't work anyway, since inputmanagers are only loaded by Cocoa apps
and only Cocoa apps have NSApplications in 10.1; and not all OS X apps
are Cocoa apps).
Maybe... But expression like "vomit-inducing", even if colorful, do not
travel well... But whatever...
It's private (along with Core Graphics Services, in
CoreGraphics.framework). I'm pretty sure I've seen headers to it
floating about, though, and the API is almost exactly the same as the
Carbon one (a CPSProcessSerNum is equal to a ProcessSerialNumber, for
I see. Like the stuff in Frank Vercruesse's ASM (see attachment)? Is
that it? Looks suspiciously like the Processes.h stuff though...
// CPS.h
#pragma once
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
struct CPSProcessSerNum
UInt32 lo;
UInt32 hi;
typedef struct CPSProcessSerNum CPSProcessSerNum;
kCPSNoProcess = 0,
kCPSSystemProcess = 1,
kCPSCurrentProcess = 2
bfCPSIntraProcessSwitch = 1,
bfCPSDeathBySignal = 2
typedef UInt16 CPSEventFlags;
kCPSBlueApp = 0,
kCPSBlueBox = 1,
kCPSCarbonApp = 2,
kCPSYellowApp = 3,
kCPSUnknownApp = 4
typedef UInt32 CPSAppFlavour;
kCPSBGOnlyAttr = 1024,
kCPSUIElementAttr = 65536,
kCPSHiddenAttr = 131072,
kCPSNoConnectAttr = 262144,
kCPSFullScreenAttr = 524288,
kCPSClassicReqAttr = 1048576,
kCPSNativeReqAttr = 2097152
typedef UInt32 CPSProcAttributes;
struct CPSProcessInfoRec
CPSProcessSerNum Parent;
UInt64 LaunchDate;
CPSAppFlavour Flavour;
CPSProcAttributes Attributes;
UInt32 ExecFileType;
UInt32 ExecFileCreator;
UInt32 UnixPID;
typedef struct CPSProcessInfoRec CPSProcessInfoRec;
kCPSNotifyChildDeath = 1,
kCPSNotifyNewFront = 2,
kCPSNotifyAppBirth = 4,
kCPSNotifyAppDeath = 8,
kCPSNotifyLaunch = 9,
kCPSNotifyServiceReq = 16,
kCPSNotifyAppHidden = 32,
kCPSNotifyAppRevealed = 64,
kCPSNotifyFGEnabled = 128,
kCPSNotifyLaunchStart = 256,
kCPSNotifyAppReady = 512,
kCPSNotifyLaunchFail = 1024,
kCPSNotifyAppDeathExt = 2048,
kCPSNotifyLostKeyFocus = 4096
typedef UInt32 CPSNotificationCodes;
bfCPSLaunchInhibitDaemon = 128,
bfCPSLaunchDontSwitch = 512,
bfCPSLaunchNoProcAttr = 2048,
bfCPSLaunchAsync = 65536,
bfCPSLaunchStartClassic = 131072,
bfCPSLaunchInClassic = 262144,
bfCPSLaunchInstance = 524288,
bfCPSLaunchAndHide = 1048576,
bfCPSLaunchAndHideOthers = 2097152
typedef UInt32 CPSLaunchOptions;
typedef UInt8 *CPSLaunchRefcon;
typedef UInt8 *CPSLaunchData;
bfCPSExtLaunchWithData = 2,
bfCPSExtLaunchByParent = 4,
bfCPSExtLaunchAsUidGid = 8
typedef UInt32 CPSLaunchPBFields;
struct CPSLaunchPB
CPSLaunchPBFields Contents;
CPSLaunchData pData;
UInt32 DataLen;
UInt32 DataTag;
UInt32 RefCon;
CPSProcessSerNum Parent;
UInt32 ChildUID;
UInt32 ChildGID;
typedef struct CPSLaunchPB CPSLaunchPB;
bfCPSKillHard = 1,
bfCPSKillAllClassicApps = 2
typedef UInt32 CPSKillOptions;
kCPSLaunchService = 0,
kCPSKillService = 1,
kCPSHideService = 2,
kCPSShowService = 3,
kCPSPrivService = 4,
kCPSExtDeathNoteService = 5
typedef UInt32 CPSServiceReqType;
struct CPSLaunchRequest
CPSProcessSerNum TargetPSN;
CPSLaunchOptions Options;
CPSProcAttributes ProcAttributes;
UInt8 *pUTF8TargetPath;
UInt32 PathLen;
typedef struct CPSLaunchRequest CPSLaunchRequest;
struct CPSKillRequest
CPSProcessSerNum TargetPSN;
CPSKillOptions Options;
typedef struct CPSKillRequest CPSKillRequest;
struct CPSHideRequest
CPSProcessSerNum TargetPSN;
typedef struct CPSHideRequest CPSHideRequest;
struct CPSShowRequest
CPSProcessSerNum TargetPSN;
typedef struct CPSShowRequest CPSShowRequest;
struct CPSExtDeathNotice
CPSProcessSerNum DeadPSN;
UInt32 Flags;
UInt8 *pUTF8AppPath;
UInt32 PathLen;
typedef struct CPSExtDeathNotice CPSExtDeathNotice;
union CPSRequestDetails
CPSLaunchRequest LaunchReq;
CPSKillRequest KillReq;
CPSHideRequest HideReq;
CPSShowRequest ShowReq;
CPSExtDeathNotice DeathNotice;
typedef union CPSRequestDetails CPSRequestDetails;
struct CPSServiceRequest
CPSServiceReqType Type;
SInt32 ID;
CPSRequestDetails Details;
typedef struct CPSServiceRequest CPSServiceRequest;
kCPSProcessInterruptKey = 0,
kCPSAppSwitchFwdKey = 1,
kCPSAppSwitchBackKey = 2,
kCPSSessionInterruptKey = 3,
kCPSScreenSaverKey = 4,
kCPSDiskEjectKey = 5,
kCPSSpecialKeyCount = 6
typedef SInt32 CPSSpecialKeyID;
extern Boolean CPSEqualProcess( CPSProcessSerNum *psn1, CPSProcessSerNum *psn2);
extern OSErr CPSGetCurrentProcess( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSGetFrontProcess( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSGetNextProcess( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSGetNextToFrontProcess( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSGetProcessInfo( CPSProcessSerNum *psn, CPSProcessInfoRec *info, char *path, int maxPathLen, int *len, char *name, int maxNameLen);
extern OSErr CPSPostHideMostReq( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSPostHideReq( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSPostKillRequest( CPSProcessSerNum *psn, CPSKillOptions options);
extern OSErr CPSPostShowAllReq( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSPostShowReq( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSSetFrontProcess( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSReleaseKeyFocus( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
extern OSErr CPSStealKeyFocus( CPSProcessSerNum *psn);
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#ifdef __cplusplus
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