Bundle loading question
Bundle loading question
- Subject: Bundle loading question
- From: Darrin Cardani <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 10:59:13 -0500
I have an iMovie plugin that contains a .nib file for a window that
it displays to allow the user to configure some settings. I get the
bundle during a time when the bundle is already loaded and I retain
it by doing the following:
gPluginBundle = [[NSBundle bundleWithIdenitifier:@"mybundleident"] retain];
That works, and gPluginBundle is not nil. Later, I attempt to load
the nib file by doing the following:
if ([gPluginBundle loadNibFile:@"nibfilename"
externalNameTable:nameTable withZone:nil]) {
// Do stuff here
This works 9 times out of 10. About every 10th time or so, it
crashes. Looking at the stack trace, I see that -[NSBundle
loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] is calling methods which
eventually attempt to load one of the custom views in my window.
-[NSCustomView nibInstantiate:] is sending some Objective C method,
and eventually it crashes further down in the stack. Looking at the
disassembly, I see that the crash is on a call to
Since the crash appears to be in _setThisThreadIsInitializingClass,
and since it only happens sporadically, I'm thinking it may be a
threading issue. iMovie is multithreaded and plugins do get called by
other threads while they're already executing. Are there threading
issues I need to be aware of when loading nibs? Is there any
documentation that would help me with this? (My searches on the ADC
web site didn't turn up anything obvious.)
Darrin Cardani - email@hidden
President, Buena Software, Inc.
Video, Image and Audio Processing Development
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