Nested Modal Window in Cocoa framework - Is there a bug in Cocoa?
Nested Modal Window in Cocoa framework - Is there a bug in Cocoa?
- Subject: Nested Modal Window in Cocoa framework - Is there a bug in Cocoa?
- From: Manish Pattath <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:26:18 +0000 (GMT)
Hi All,
Nested Modal Window in Cocoa framework
We have written a TWAIN DataSource[Basically a Scanner] which launches the UI housed in a Cocoa Framework.
Have 2 windows [ each window is in a separate NIB file. i.e. there are 2 nib files] which we want to launch as Modal Windows.
First Window - Has "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons.On Click of a "Ok" button, second window is launched.
Second Window - Has Toolbar and Contextual Menus etc.
The problem in making the second window Modal:
On 10.2.8
It launches fine - but all the toolbar items are disabled except for the customView containing an NSPopupButton.
Contextual Menus don't appear[displayed on Ctrl+Click on thumbnails in a ScrollView] at all.
Toolbar items becomes enabled when a sheet drops down.
On 10.3.2
All the toolbar items are enabled, Contextual Menus appear very rarely but are disabled/don't appear at all.
API's used:
- The first window is launched as Modal using runModalForWindow.
"Cancel" button - used to close the window - [NSApp stopModal] and then calls to "orderOut" and "close".
"Ok" button - will launch the second window - [NSApp stopModal] and then calls to "orderOut" and "close".Functions to launch the
second window.
- Second window
Has a Toolbar Items of which one is a a Custom View with one NSPopUpButton. On Click of a Button say "X" , a sheet drops down, which is fine, but this launches the first window again!!
- On Button "X" - [NSApp stopModal] , beginSheet [ to display the sheet]
NOTE: If a call to "stopModal" is not done,my functionality does not work.If a call is made - my functionality works fine but launches the first window again!!.
Is it a bug on nested modal windows in Cocoa? OR Are we wrong anywhere?
Kindly reply.
Thanks for any Help.
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