Re: CamelBones question
Re: CamelBones question
- Subject: Re: CamelBones question
- From: Sherm Pendley <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 08:51:30 -0400
On May 11, 2004, at 1:01 PM, Pierre Vaudrey wrote:
my $records =
unless (defined $records) {
$records = NSMutableArray->alloc()->init();
$self->{'comments'} = $records;
I still need help for the conversion of the code of the
removeCommentAction method : the previous code using splice did not
work anymore.
You can use [], push(), shift(), splice(), and other Perl array
functions and operators with Cocoa arrays. Whenever a function or
method that returns an NSArray (or descendant) object is called in list
context, the object is automatically tie()d to a Perl array interface.
Above, you're calling alloc()->init() in scalar context, so what you
get back is an object reference - if you wanted to use it as a Perl
array instead of using Cocoa methods with it, you could also create the
array and store a reference to it with code like this:
my @records =
unless (defined @records) {
@records = NSMutableArray->alloc()->init();
$self->{'comments'} = \@records;
You can play similar tricks with hashes and Cocoa NSDictionary objects.
There is probably a shorter solution in Perl compared to the following
ObjC code :
The example code you give using splice() is obviously shorter - but
that's because it doesn't do as much. It assumes a single row is
selected, whereas using -selectedRowEnumerator handles multiple,
possibly non-contiguous, selected rows. It also verifies the operation
with an alert panel and a beep.
There's still some room to make the code shorter though. So let's play
a round of golf. ;-)
- (IBAction)deleteRecord:(id)sender
int status;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSNumber *index;
NSMutableArray *tempArray;
id tempObject;
if ( [tableView numberOfSelectedRows] == 0 )
status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Warning!", @"Are you sure that you want
to delete the selected record(s)?", @"OK", @"Cancel", nil);
if ( status == NSAlertDefaultReturn ) {
enumerator = [tableView selectedRowEnumerator];
tempArray = [NSMutableArray array];
while ( (index = [enumerator nextObject]) ) {
tempObject = [records objectAtIndex:[index intValue]];
[tempArray addObject:tempObject];
[records removeObjectsInArray:tempArray];
[tableView reloadData];
[self saveData];
sub removeCommentAction {
my ($self, $sender) = @_;
return if ($self->{'Table'}->numberOfSelectedRows() == 0);
if ( NSAlertDefaultReturn == NSRunAlertPanel("Warning!", "Are you
sure...?", "OK", "Cancel", undef); ) {
foreach my $ix (reverse
$self->{'Table'}->selectedRowEnumerator()->allObjects()) {
The above assumes that $self->{'records'} is an object reference. If
it's a reference to a tie()d array as described above, you could also
use Perl's splice() or delete() functions:
splice @{$self->{'comments'}}, $ix->intValue(), 1;
delete $self->{'comments'}->[$ix->intValue()];
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