I have attached Fullscreen.h and Fullscreen.m below. In my ASS code I
use these two lines to open the fullscreen window:
set theWindow to (call method "beginFullScreen")
set content view of theWindow to content view of window "template"
Open the fullscreen window works perfect. In the fullscreen window, I
have a button (close) which the user clicks to close the window. When
the user clicks the close button this code is executed:
set theWindow to (call method "endFullScreen")
The fullscreen window closes, but then after about 1 or 2 seconds my
program crashes. This code worked in 10.3, but it is not working in
10.4 for some reason. Can anyone see what is going wrong here?
Any help would be appreciated.
-Rhon Fitzwater
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
@interface NSApplication (ASKAFullScreen)
- (NSWindow *)beginFullScreen;
- (void)endFullScreen;
#import "FullScreen.h"
NSWindow *fsWindow;
@implementation NSApplication (ASKAFullScreen)
- (NSWindow *)beginFullScreen
{ fsWindow = [
[NSWindow alloc]
initWithContentRect:[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]
NSView *fsView=[[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:[fsWindow frame]];
[fsWindow setContentView:fsView];
NSImageView *fsImage = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:[fsView frame]];
[fsView addSubview:fsImage];
[fsWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
[NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:0];
[fsWindow setHasShadow: NO];
[fsWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:fsWindow];
return fsWindow;
- (void)endFullScreen
{ [NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:1];
[fsWindow close];