NSTableView not supplying expected object type
NSTableView not supplying expected object type
- Subject: NSTableView not supplying expected object type
- From: Graham Cox <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:19:09 +1100
I have a table view with 4 columns, connected to a conventional datasource. The first 3 columns are fully set up in IB to have text field cells with attached number formatters. The 4th column has a variable data type where the user indirectly chooses a data type and the code dynamically sets the column's dataCell to the appropriate type for editing it. For a numeric value, this is a text field cell with an attached NSNumberFormatter, just like the other columns.
The problem I'm having is that when the user edits the value in this column, the object value passed to the datasource's method:
- (void) tableView:(NSTableView*)aTableView setObjectValue:anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*) aTableColumn row:(NSInteger) rowIndex;
is a string, not an NSNumber. From the columns set up in IB, I get NSNumbers as expected. It's as if the formatter is getting bypassed, though I can see it is definitely having the correct effect going the other way - it formats the field properly.
Obviously I'm missing something in the set-up of the cell, but what?
The cell type is set by this method, invoked when the user indirectly chooses the data type (some irrelevant code removed):
- (void) setOutputType:(int) aType
NSTableColumn* tc = [mBinsTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"representedObjectValue"];
[[tc headerCell] setTitle:[self columnTitleForDataType:aType]];
// the cell type must be set to be appropriate to the class of data expected from -representedObjectValue
// for styles this is an image, colours = special colour cell, text and number = text cell, with attached formatter for numbers.
NSCell* aCell = [self dataCellForDataType:aType];
[aCell setEditable:YES];
[aCell setEnabled:YES];
[tc setDataCell:aCell];
[mBinsTable reloadData];
The cell is made here (other type cases removed):
- (NSCell*) dataCellForDataType:(int) aType
NSCell* aCell = nil;
switch( aType )
case kBinOutputTypeValue:
aCell = [[NSTextFieldCell alloc] init];
NSNumberFormatter* formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
[formatter setFormat:@"##0.00"];
[aCell setFormatter:formatter];
[formatter release];
return [aCell autorelease];
The table view uses a delegate, and overrides:
- (NSCell*) tableView:(NSTableView*) tableView dataCellForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*) tableColumn row:(NSInteger) row
#pragma unused(tableView)
if( tableColumn == nil )
return nil;
if( [[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"representedObjectValue"])
if( row == mTempCellRow && row != -1 && mTempCell )
return mTempCell;
return [tableColumn dataCellForRow:row];
The 'mTempCellRow' stuff is used to deal with one of the custom cell types, not this one - I've verified that it doesn't take the wrong branch and just calls -dataCellForRow:
Finally, this is where I'm seeing the problem. This code includes a workaround that I have at present, but it's a band-aid. I'd rather it worked properly than need this:
- (void) tableView:(NSTableView*)aTableView setObjectValue:anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*) aTableColumn row:(NSInteger) rowIndex
#pragma unused(aTableView)
NSString* ident = [aTableColumn identifier];
DKOBin* bin = [[mTransformer bins] objectAtIndex:rowIndex];
// for some reason the raw string is passed instead of a number created by the formatter. For the time
// being deal with this by performing the conversion manually here.
if([ident isEqualToString:@"representedObjectValue"])
if([anObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && [self outputType] == kBinOutputTypeValue)
anObject = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:[anObject floatValue]];
[bin setValue:anObject forKey:ident];
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