ALLOC/FREE problems with a NIB..
ALLOC/FREE problems with a NIB..
- Subject: ALLOC/FREE problems with a NIB..
- From: Robert Monaghan <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 09:51:00 -0800
Hi Everyone,
I seem to be crashing with the following message:
malloc: *** error for object 0x104839c08: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
However, malloc_error_break never gets called.
I have a malloc stack log going, and when I do a malloc_history for my object, I get a tonne of the following (this is the last entry):
ALLOC 0x104839c00-0x10483a411 [size=2066]: thread_7fff737ac960 |start | main | NSApplicationMain | +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:] | +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] | +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:] | loadNib | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSIBObjectData initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSSet(NSSet) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSWindowTemplate initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSClassSwapper initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSSplitView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSScrollView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSClipView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTableView initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSScroller initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSScroller initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSBox initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextFieldCell initWithCoder:] | -[NSActionCell initWithCoder:] | -[NSCell initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSFont initWithCoder:] | __NSGetMetaFontInstance | +[__NSFontTypefaceInfo typefaceInfoForPostscriptName:] | TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptor(__CFSet const*) const | TDescriptor::InitBaseFont() | TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptorInternal(__CFSet const*) const | TDescriptorSource::CopyFontDescriptorPerPostscriptName(__CFString const*, unsigned long, bool) const | XTCopyFontWithName | TGlobalFontRegistry::TGlobalFontRegistry() | pthread_once | TGlobalFontRegistry::CreateRegistry() | TGlobalFontRegistryImp::RendezvousWithServer() const | TGlobalFontRegistryImp::GetServerPort() const | TSessionManager::TSessionManager() | pthread_once | TSessionManager::CreateSessionManager() | TSessionManagerImp::SetFrameworkDirPaths() | CFBundleCopyResourceURL | _CFFindBundleResources | malloc_zone_malloc
FREE 0x104839c00-0x10483a411 [size=2066]: thread_7fff737ac960 |start | main | NSApplicationMain | +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:] | +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] | +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:] | loadNib | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSIBObjectData initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSSet(NSSet) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSWindowTemplate initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSClassSwapper initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSSplitView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSScrollView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSClipView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTableView initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSScroller initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSScroller initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSBox initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSCustomView initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] | -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSButton initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | -[NSView initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextField initWithCoder:] | -[NSControl initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSTextFieldCell initWithCoder:] | -[NSActionCell initWithCoder:] | -[NSCell initWithCoder:] | _decodeObject | _decodeObjectBinary | -[NSFont initWithCoder:] | __NSGetMetaFontInstance | +[__NSFontTypefaceInfo typefaceInfoForPostscriptName:] | TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptor(__CFSet const*) const | TDescriptor::InitBaseFont() | TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptorInternal(__CFSet const*) const | TDescriptorSource::CopyFontDescriptorPerPostscriptName(__CFString const*, unsigned long, bool) const | XTCopyFontWithName | TGlobalFontRegistry::TGlobalFontRegistry() | pthread_once | TGlobalFontRegistry::CreateRegistry() | TGlobalFontRegistryImp::RendezvousWithServer() const | TGlobalFontRegistryImp::GetServerPort() const | TSessionManager::TSessionManager() | pthread_once | TSessionManager::CreateSessionManager() | TSessionManagerImp::SetFrameworkDirPaths() | CFBundleCopyResourceURL | _CFFindBundleResources | malloc_zone_free
For the life of me, I have no idea where to look on this one. I will take a look to see if one of my NIBs is being freed, but I get about 10 to 15 variations of the ALLOC/FREE entries above.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
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