Another AppleScript-ObjC Dictionary question
Another AppleScript-ObjC Dictionary question
- Subject: Another AppleScript-ObjC Dictionary question
- From: Dave <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 15:47:35 +0000
Hi Again,
How do I pass an NSDictionary that is returned from an ApplesScript handler to another handler?
I get an error in setWordStandardDocumentDictionary running this code:
set myDocumentID to (theStandardDocumentDictionary's objectForKey:"kDocumentID")
set myStandardPropertyArray to (theStandardDocumentDictionary's allKeys) —Error Here
error "Can’t get allKeys of «class ocid» id «data optr0000000070A1240080630000»." number -1728 from allKeys of «class ocid» id «data optr0000000070A1240080630000»
statement. Yet the statement before returns what I was expecting?
Thanks for the Help.
All the Best
on getWordStandardDocumentDictionaryWithDocumentID:(theDocumentID as string)
--say "getWordStandardDocumentDictionaryWithDocumentID:" --& theDocumentID
set myDocument to my getWordDocumentWithDocumentID:(theDocumentID)
tell application id ""
set myTranslationDictionary to pWordStandardDocumentPropertiesKeyTranslationDictionary of me
set myStandardPropertiesDictionary to current application's NSMutableDictionary's alloc()'s init()
set myStandardPropertyArray to (document properties of myDocument)
repeat with myStandardProperty in myStandardPropertyArray
set myPropertyName to the name of myStandardProperty
set myPropertyValue to the value of myStandardProperty
if myPropertyValue = missing value then
set myPropertyValue to ""
end if
set myTranslatedPropertyName to (myTranslationDictionary's objectForKey:myPropertyName) as string
if myTranslatedPropertyName = missing value then next
(myStandardPropertiesDictionary's setObject:myPropertyValue forKey:myTranslatedPropertyName)
end repeat
set kDocumentID of myStandardPropertiesDictionary to theDocumentID
end tell
return myStandardPropertiesDictionary
end getWordStandardDocumentDictionaryWithDocumentID:
on setWordStandardDocumentDictionary:(theStandardDocumentDictionary)
--say "setWordStandardDocumentDictionary:"
set myDocumentID to (theStandardDocumentDictionary's objectForKey:"kDocumentID")
log "======" & myDocumentID
set myStandardPropertyArray to (theStandardDocumentDictionary's allKeys)
set myDocument to my getWordDocumentWithDocumentID:(myDocumentID)
tell application id ""
set myTranslationDictionary to pWordStandardDocumentPropertiesKeyTranslationDictionary of me
repeat with myPropertyName in myStandardPropertyArray
set myTranslatedPropertyName to (myTranslationDictionary's objectForKey:myPropertyName) as string
if myTranslatedPropertyName = missing value then next
set myPropertyValue to (theStandardDocumentDictionary's objectForKey:myPropertyName)
if myPropertyValue = missing value then
set myPropertyValue to ""
end if
set the value of (custom document properties of myDocument whose name is myTranslatedPropertyName) to thePropertyValue
end repeat
set kDocumentID of myStandardPropertiesDictionary to theDocumentID
end tell
end setWordStandardDocumentDictionary:
on run
tell application id ""
end tell
get my setupKeyTranslationDictionary()
set myDocumentID to my getWordActiveDocumentID()
set myStandardPropertiesDictionary to my getWordStandardDocumentDictionaryWithDocumentID:(myDocumentID)
(myStandardPropertiesDictionary's setObject:"Hello Cruel World!" forKey:"kDocumentKeywords")
get my setWordStandardDocumentDictionary:(myStandardPropertiesDictionary)
return myStandardPropertiesDictionary
end run
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