Clueless in Copenhagen
Clueless in Copenhagen
- Subject: Clueless in Copenhagen
- From: Henrik Holmegaard <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 20:58:21 +0100
The Pshop 6 proofing dialogs still have me wondering. Steve and I
asked previously, David and Bruce answered. As I'm thick, please
excuse the replay -:).
For the sake of simplicity I've painted a new image dubbed 'Dawdle'
with the RGB Space set to ColorMatchRGB (which isn't to say that the
pixels in the new file are color managed as the window says 'Untagged
The way I think it works from here is that ... :
a. In the Color Settings window where I set my default RGB space I
also set a default CMYK space, e.g. 'MyISOGlossyPos.ICC', and the
default RGB to LAB to CMYK intent using the 'Conversion Options'
popup, e.g. Perceptual. The Color Settings panel controls the
'Printing' direction into the space to be simulated.
b. The View menu controls the 'Proofing' direction, that is, the CMYK
to LAB to monitor RGB conversion.
b1. I first enable 'Proof Colors' which in theory should switch the
inverse transform to colorimetric mode. However, it doesn't do that,
rather it does what the settings in the Custom window of the Proof
Setup window in the View menu says to do.
b2. In Proof Setup...Custom I can't change the source color space
defined in Color Settings (which I assume is ColorMatchRGB), but I
can edit the 'Printing' transform, first by changing the default CMYK
simulation profile and second by changing the default RGB to LAB to
CMYK intent for the 'Printing' transform. The Intent popup defaults
to the choice in the Color Settings menu, but may be changed at will.
I can also change the 'Proofing' transform, but only for the intent
from simulation profile to monitor profile (and not for the proof
print?). I have two checkboxes for the Simulate options. ("Rendering
intent from the simulation space to the screen is controlled by the
Ink Black / Paper White checkboxes. Ink Black/Paper White off =
relative colorimetric + BPC. Ink Black on = Relative Colorimetric
without BPC. Paper White = Absolute Colorimetric" - BF).
The question then is if these checkboxes apply to the softproof only
(CMYK to LAB to RGB) or also to the proof (CMYK to CMYK).
c. In the Print menu the Proof Setup button takes the current profile
chain for the active window, so it should also take the Simulation
settings. These settings should govern the simulation CMYK to LAB to
destination CMYK transform, but in fact the LAB to destination CMYK
transform is chosen in the Print Space popup.
This to me is quite confusing. As usual with Pshop it's the modal
dialogs that tip the cart.
My confusion goes back to some of the discussions about selecting
intents symmetrically on both sides of LAB, meaning that UIs (should)
present intents on the source side of each transform in a total
preview chain (: preview for both softproof and proof print).
Henrik Holmegaard, TechWrite
Stationay +45 3880 0721 - +45 3881 0721
Mobile +45 2178 3959
Toelloesevej 69, 2700 Broenshoej, Denmark