Re: Monitor Banding
Re: Monitor Banding
- Subject: Re: Monitor Banding
- From: email@hidden (Bruce Fraser)
- Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 12:11:03 -0800
At 1:49 PM -0600 12/21/01, Joel wrote:
The ol' Radius, recently retired, always lum'd at 75 cd/m2 on my
MacG4, but it's factory preset 6500k would PreCal in and calibrate
to a measured 6540k. The Mitsubishi dp920 replacement cannot seem to
rise above 69 cd/m2 but requires a 6760k PreCal preset to calibrate
in to 6480k.
Both with Optical 3.1 w/spyder.
I'm surprised. I have a couple of teh older Mits 900u's, and even the
one that's a year old can still reach in excess of 120 cd/m2. I do
have to set the color temp to around 7100K to get it to measure as
6500, though.
Maybe your video card isn't putting out enough juice?