Re: Further on CMYK -> Lab, PostScript Colormanagement is bullsh...
Re: Further on CMYK -> Lab, PostScript Colormanagement is bullsh...
- Subject: Re: Further on CMYK -> Lab, PostScript Colormanagement is bullsh...
- From: Jan-Peter Homann <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 13:19:00 +0100
The problems seems to me, that the Checkbox "PostScript Colormanagement" in the
"Save EPS" Dialogue from Photoshop causes such problems.
In this case Photoshop will attach a CIEBasedDEFG CSA to the CMYK-EPS, which
will cause a reconverting to Lab, if a document with this EPS-file is printed
via a PostScript-Printer, or if the document is distilled as PDF.
I can4t imagine any workflow, where PostScript Colormanagement is some kind of
advantage. But in 99,9% is causes a lot of trouble.
In all my trainings for colormanagement, I advice my customers never ever to
click the checkbox "PostScript Colormanagement" in the "Save EPS" Dialogue from
I would be very glad, if there would be a possibility to hide this checkbox
from the user in "Save" dialogues, and if the hidden checkbox would be the
preference in every Adobe programm after first time installing.
The second whish is a program, which hides the "PostScript Colormanagement" in
every printer dialogue. In my 5 years of colormanagement consulting and
troubleshooting, I had not one case where "PostScript Colormanagement" at
Printer-Level gave me any advantage, but I had several cases, were it causes a
lot oft trouble, confused users and a lot of unpayed consulting work.
My conclusion: concentrate on clear ICC-Workflows and hide "PostScript
Colormanagement" on every step in the production. "PostScript Colormanagement"
is bullsh...
Jan-Peter Homann
Subject: Further on CMYK -> Lab
The Distiller 4.0.5 behaviour that converts EPS CMYK tagged in Pshop
with a CIEBasedDEFG CSA into Lab when 'Leave Colors Unchanged' is
selected, losing the total ink limit and black generation, also
occurs in InDesign 1.5.2, but not in Illustrator 9 which quite simply
doesn't support Lab.
If a Pshop CMYK image tagged with CIEBasedDEFG is placed and color
management deactivated in InDesign 1.5.2, there are three PDF export
options :
Set export dialog to 'Leave Unchanged' = Lab
Set export dialog to 'CMYK' = DeviceCMYK
Set export dialog to 'RGB' = DeviceRGB
The problem for users is that color management is done when no color
management is requested.
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Jan-Peter Homann
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Jan-Peter Homann Jan-Peter Homann
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