Re: A Family of Interrelated Working Spaces???
Re: A Family of Interrelated Working Spaces???
- Subject: Re: A Family of Interrelated Working Spaces???
- From: neilB <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 13:42:12 +0100
On 19/10/01 at 11:13 am, email@hidden (Rick Gordon) wrote:
Has anyone developed an integrated family of working spaces?
I'm hoping Steve Upton might include such a <workingsapce
production feature> in the [frankly] bloody fantastic Chromix
Colorthink one day. <> Even now since Colorthink
enables a user to map image data over workingspace volume in 3D
it is a BIG help towards doing what you wish.
I recall seeing a post somewhere mentioning some set of
spaces, purchasable for about $50, that addressed the stepped
variance in saturation, but can't locate the reference.
Joe Holmes has done this with the saturation adjusted options
to Ektachrome Space, and to a lesser extent - to EktaSpace PS5
Joe's original is "Ektachrome Space, J. Holmes", it works in
LP and PS 6 etc, not ps 5.x, according to Joe it took weeks of
work to get it right. And to put the record straight it was
designed by Joe to just barely encompass all the colours from a
Kodak IT8 target , which is, I think, considered to pretty much
demonstrate the full gamut of Ektachrome film.
The free one which was specifically made to work in PS 5.x is
is "Ekta Space PS 5, J. Holmes"
They actually have different gammas, according to Photoshop 6
they are: "Ektachrome Space, J. Holmes" is Gamma 1.99, "Ekta
Space PS 5, J. Holmes" is gamma 2.2.
AFAIK, The gamma of "Ektachrome Space, J. Holmes" apparently
being set particularly to favour the Cymbolioc Sciences
The original "Ektachrome Space, J. Holmes" is more
sophisticated and when you buy it you get 16 extra versions with
slight variations in Saturation, plus and minus. You
essentially "apply profile" the variation, watch the file change
on screen and then P>P to your print space. Great - and seems
better than Photoshop's saturation slider. plus and minus
saturation variations are 6,12,18,25,31,37,44,50
So I guess, apart from updates to keep up with Colorsync
progress, there are 18 variations. Then of course he makes a few
variations on "Ekta Space PS 5, J. Holmes" but certainly not 16.
- - - - - - - Neil Barstow - Colour Management Consulting - - - - - - -
- - Imacon reseller - custom scanner profiles - print profiles from pixl - -
- - - - - - - - we resell PhotoCal & OptiCal from ColorVision - - - - - - -
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