RE: dtp41 problems with calibration
RE: dtp41 problems with calibration
- Subject: RE: dtp41 problems with calibration
- From: "Raymond Cheydleur" <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 09:22:23 -0500
- Thread-topic: dtp41 problems with calibration
A <91> isn't a normal DTP41 error.
Is this "calibration" a calibration of a device, or the calibration of
the instrument itself?
If it is of the instrument itself, try this procedure:
Open ToolCrib and go to the terminal window.
Put your calibration reference into the instrument
type CR [return] and the instrument should begin the reflection
calibration sequence
This should end with a <00> if it does not, type xe [return]
to list and clear of the errors in the instrument and send me the list
of error codes produced, and I'll see if I can figure out what is going
If it is an application/calibration problem write to me off list for
Raymond Cheydleur, Lead Application Support Specialist,
Imaging and Graphic Arts, Developer Support
X-Rite Incorporated
Application Support email@hidden
Customer Support 888-826-3059
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