Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 3 #913 - 4 msgs
Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 3 #913 - 4 msgs
- Subject: Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 3 #913 - 4 msgs
- From: Krzysztof Bielecki <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 10:49:00 +0200
Hello Jay,
We are using in Warsaw 8400, and we had same problem.
You can always open this profile in Newcolor, menuoption: colormanagement -> modify
profiles -> scanner profile (if it is currently avaliable in your software version) and
save it with no modification with a new name. It become avaliable for software.
Never the less, you will not be able to profile correctly Primescan machine with Gretag
Acc. to my konwledge to profile scanner you have to make scan of testchart with NO
particular correction, i.e. without ANY profile. (To obtain purely row data from
CCD/Photomultiplayer). Am I right?
Unfortunatelly it is impossible with Newcolor. Even if you cut out ALL profiles from your
system - NewColor will just crash.
All profiles, that I've made with Gretag software for Primescan was realy not good
(strange saturation of colors, and other unwanted results, and always very small gamuth
of profile!)
Acc. to my local Heidelberg dealer - the only way for proper profiling Primescan is to
buy Scanopen for Newcolor (It is not dramatical expensive - about 700 EUR). As this
software comunicate with scanner in native mode, and is able to make scan with no
correction. Such a small trap of producer...
Best regards
Krzysztof Bielecki
PrePress studio.
Message: 4
To: email@hidden
From: "Jay Arthur" <email@hidden>
Subject: Scanner Profile For Heidelberg Primescan 8400
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 23:02:38 -0500
I would like to create a transparency profile for a Heidelberg Primescan
running Newcolor 2.0 Professional
with GretagMacbeth Profile Maker Pro 5.15. The profiles I created using an
IT8 and the Profile Maker scanner
profile module do not show as one of the selections under transparent color
positive in the Newcolor
One possible problem may be:
Color Management Model (CMM) Type Signature: A parameter required in
connection with ColorSynch processing using a Heidelberg
Druck Machine ("HDM").
The profiles I create have a type signature of "APPL"
The Heidelberg Profiles supplied by Newcolor have a type signature of "HDM"
Any suggestions or thoughts?
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