Re: HP 5500 UV papers
Re: HP 5500 UV papers
- Subject: Re: HP 5500 UV papers
- From: Terry Wyse <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 15:06:44 -0400
Sounds to me like you need RIP software that allows you to set a total ink
limit BEFORE you print your profiling charts. Either that, or you're not
restricting the individual ink limits enough during linearization. The
Wasatch RIP doesn't allow you to do this?
I can remember the Epson 10000 Archival behaving this way and I can also
remember using total ink amounts of less than 150%. It's amazing what you
can remember about a device you just as soon forget. :-)
on 9/24/03 12:47 PM, Rudy Vonk wrote:
After two or three weeks, I have yet to find a *single* paper that will
absorb reasonable amounts of ink. I profile with ProfileMaker
Professional 4.1.5, but any other up-market package like it will also
want to print patches that reach 400% ink coverage, before you set your
own ink limits in the actual profile. I found the materials I have tried
(about twenty) fall into three categories:
1. You can print all right, without the ink lakes draining into the
neighboring patches. Thus I can profile beautifully once the lakes dry
out. But the ink will "move" even a day later, by just touching it.
2. The ink will absorb and eventualy (or even immediately) dry, but
before that, it covers all available paper and neighboring real-estate.
3. The ink will cover the neighborhood *and* not dry.
Has *anybody* found a paper this bitch will print on well enough to be
able to profile it?
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