Re: Fingerprinting v Profiling
Re: Fingerprinting v Profiling
- Subject: Re: Fingerprinting v Profiling
- From: Busher Jr Richard C <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 10:33:46 -0700
Message: 4
From: Rich Apollo <email@hidden>
Subject: Fingerprinting v Profiling (was Profile to standards or
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 07:41:12 -0500
To: email@hidden
On Jun 2, 2004, at 12:00 AM, email@hidden
I also use color management when working with supplied cmyk files.
Sometimes they are tagged. Sometimes they are not, and then I make an
educated guess. I always prefer to start with tagged rgb if I don't do
the scans, and I prefer to process camera raw files myself unless the
photographer understands printing.
It's alarming (and confusing) that contributors to this list would
advocate supplying untagged CMYK. That's the workflow model that
created the need for color-management. Color-management is supposed to
improve on this model.
Rich Apollo
Priority Litho
I fear my post was a little confusing regarding tagged vs. untagged
When I have created 'my' custom profile for a particular printer I want
them to use the cmyk files created with 'my' profile, and not convert
my file to a profile they have created for their own proofer. In that
case I do not tag my files, and ask them to send my files directly to
their proofer without modification.
When I send cmyk files to printers for whom I have not created a custom
profile I do tag the files. These files are created with a profile that
I 'think' should work, but the printers may wish to convert to their
own in-house profiles. I usually send along an Approval proof done to
SWOP standards.
By the same token, when I receive cmyk files prepped for one printing
condition that I must repurpose for another condition I too hope that
the files are tagged appropriately.
Dick Busher
Cosgrove Editions
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