Hi Roger, Thanks for the reply.
About all info related to Gracol, we took the information directly on the official GRACOL.ORG web site. The main title under the blue image states: "Download Finalized Characterization Data Sets Now!"
Hope it is more clear OR ask Gracol about what they mean about the word Finalized on THEIR web site.
Louis Déry TGLC inc.
Dear Louis,
Thank's for the wonderful offer. I am looking forward to test these profiles created with PerfX against the usual profilers I have (Monaco, Gretag, Fuji and PrintOpen) with great interest.
But, in the interest of clarity to ColorSync readers and users, would it be possible to amend the wording on the link on your web site which reads :
Link to download Finalized GRACoL and SWOP 2006 Characterization Data Sets
Point #5 on the Gracol download web page, states that :
• 5. I understand that while the GRACoL and SWOP characterization data will • be used as the basis of proofing system certifications, it is WORKING data • and may change based on industry input.
You see, Gracol does not state their data *is* FINALIZED data. But the choice of words on your web site *does*. This is not correct. Unless you know something that Gracol won't say on their website as of today's date?
Incidently, how are you finding the media white point for the #3 dataset?
We’ve just published on our web site, some ICC profiles created with PerfX Color management Pro™, using the latest characterization
Feel free to download the ICC profiles and send us you feedback! You can even compare with the ones you made yourself!
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