I was wondering if you could assist me in some purchase advice.
We are a photo lab / sign printing company that is looking at buying a new spectrophotometer and software for it.
A prevoius employe had a DTP41 that he was using to profile the output of our machines but he has left and we are now looking at a new solution.
Our print machinery consist of two rgb printers, a lightjet 5000 and a durst epsilon but we also have an epson 10000 and a hp DesignJet 5000 for wide printing and these are run from an onyx rip.
For the superwide printing we are using a Durst ROH 600 inkjet printer with its own rip.
I have been looking into the different options for us and I have used the Eye one before and very much like the interface and quality of profiles of it BUT I have only used it for rgb before and not CMYK printers.
This brings me to the Eye One package that contains the "full" rgb patches and the "small" cmyk patches and then my question is the "small" cmyk setup suficient and what is the limitations of it.
Tha other option would be Monaco gold with a DTP41 as an option but that would lead us to get a seperate monitor puck, not that that is a big issue but still and a lot more money.
General guidance and some help would be great.
Karl Petersson