>Take a look at the Media White Point of the #3 dataset. That is supposed to
represent StoraEnso FortuneGloss. I don't know who tampered with these
numbers but the Media White Point in that data set is plain wrong. I sent a
letter to Diane Kennedy at IDEAlliance about it three weeka ago and she has
not responded yet. Same thing with the #5 data set. Take a look at the media
White point: it exagerates the white point of the Monterrey Gloss! Somebody
straighten those people.>
I've no experience with either of these stocks. I see SWOP coated 3 white point = 92.50 0.00 0.00, and SWOP coated5 = 90.06 -0.01 4.14. From your experience, what should thesee numbers be?
Michael Eddington
North American Color, Inc.