Nov06 wrote: A camera does the same as a raw converter. It converts the raw data into RGB data existing in an internal colour space. Don't most raw converters use generic input profiles as a starting point , unless ( like Capture One or Bibble) they allow for complete manual control of the conversion inorder to produce an untagged Tiff file for profiling?
A camera does the same as a raw converter. It converts the raw data into RGB data existing in an internal colour space.
Somehow this "output referred rendering" seems to know source colorimetric values and is able to place them (or prepare them for placement) into specific target values. The only way that I am aware of, for a camera manufacturer to know what specific colorimetric values any camera produces would be to measure them with a spectrophotometer.
Is it possible that this "output referred rendering" is actually either several alternative input profiles or a single input profile with different "rendering " instructions for the CMM.