As long as it is grey, no-CM vs. CM means really only a slightly different shade of grey (assuming the monitor is calibrated well enough that any RGB triplet with R=G=B produces a neutral grey). And what if it's color, e.g. RGB?
As long as it is grey, no-CM vs. CM means really only a slightly different shade of grey (assuming the monitor is calibrated well enough that any RGB triplet with R=G=B produces a neutral grey).
Hmmumh? I, personally, would not mind too much if Windows machine had a distinctive look compared to Mac's. But, among Window machines or Mac's, of course we would all want to have a uniform appearance. Coudn't this easily be done by assuming sRGB? If it's that important?
I personally feel all color objects displayed in a web page should use sRGB. I don't see how otherwise it could be done?