CMYK RIPs vs RGB RIPs. Advice, Input, Comments.
CMYK RIPs vs RGB RIPs. Advice, Input, Comments.
- Subject: CMYK RIPs vs RGB RIPs. Advice, Input, Comments.
- From: sngraphics <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:10:01 -0400
The past few years our output consisted of an Epson 4880 with ColorBurst's X-Proof Plus RIP (CMYK).
Our monastery recently purchased an Epson Stylus Pro 7900 to replace our Epson 4880.
Now we need a RIP for the 7900 (24") version.
I have been trying/using demos of different RIPs and I've tried these RGB RIPs that work off the driver of the manufacturer.
So far It looks like I'll stay with ColorBurst. But they have one of each of these products.
Their X-Proof Plus RIP (CMYK) and their Overdrive RIP (RGB) (which now they are focusing on & promoting)
***What I need help with is finding out the differences between a CMYK & RGB RIP. (Not specific to ColorBurst)***
Does one have certain advantages over another?
If I purchase an RGB RIP am I missing out on some color profiling options I would have with a CMYK RIP?
This is more of a question of behind the scenes, nuts & bolts stuff and not menus & print options.
I own an Eye1 Pro and want to do some profiling. More so to keep things accurate. Not getting into too advanced stuff.
Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
God Bless.
Saint Nektarios Monastery
Roscoe, NY
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