Re: Spot Colors | Alternate Color Space behaviour | PDF export.
Re: Spot Colors | Alternate Color Space behaviour | PDF export.
- Subject: Re: Spot Colors | Alternate Color Space behaviour | PDF export.
- From: Jon Meyer via colorsync-users <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2022 11:01:52 -0400
Hello Axel -
The only correct way to describe spot color is in L*a*b* values. This is
supported in Illustrator.
I would not waste time with attempting to rig another workflow (unless your RIP
is not L*a*b* compliant - in which case one must reduce expectations to just
pleasing color).
> On Jun 9, 2022, at 10:03 AM, Axel Robert via colorsync-users
> <email@hidden> wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> I was wondering if somebody else already experienced and solved this problem,
> as well.
> We built, dedicated to creative agencies, a specific color settings and pdf
> export couple for certain production files in which we manage ourselves the
> RGB to CMYK conversion. It’s almost a late binding workflow before sending
> the final PDF to our printers.
> So, all raster images remain in a specific RGB color space while Benday and
> vectors are still in CMYK.
> So far, we did have any issue, but we recently received a document with a
> Spot Color template in it.
> And when we checked it, it appeared it had been tagged on the Alternate Color
> Space with an ICC profile (no more specific indication).
> We tried to find why without any success.
> But we also experienced the same after many tests in In Design and
> Illustrator by creating a simple vector shape to which we added a Spot Color
> from the latest Pantone library.
> The PDF export has no color conversion except an OI and OC for the PDF itself.
> And despite all the color swatches we use, the result is equal.
> The only difference lies when we use a PDF Export Preset which converts
> colors to the destination.
> In such a way, the Spot Color uses the CMYK mode as by default Alternate
> Color Space.
> How is it possible?
> Would you have any idea?
> Thanks!
> Axel
> UBISOFT | Axel ROBERT |Senior Manager, Prepress & Quality
> Ubisoft encourages work/life balance and embraces flexibility. My workday may
> look different than your workday.
> I have sent this message at a time that suits my work pattern, but it is not
> my expectation that you read, respond or
> follow up on this email outside your working hours.
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