Re: kAudioUnitID_BandPassFilter
Re: kAudioUnitID_BandPassFilter
- Subject: Re: kAudioUnitID_BandPassFilter
- From: Brian Willoughby <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 02:24:28 -0800
[ Depending on the implementation, there is usually a "roll off"
[ (for example, 6dB/per octave for a simple filter) outside the
[ passband.
At the risk of being overly pedantic (or perhaps even wrong ;-), I'd say that
there is *always* a "roll off." I don't think that even a digital filter can
have a slope of infinity.
Regarding the phase shift, I believe that is also par for the course.
Pointers to digital filtering algorithms for computer programming would be
helpful, although I realize that Lieven says he doesn't want to dig too deeply
into DSP.
The problem I see is that while a single filter can be processor intensive, a
whole bank of filters will probably bring the CPU to its knees. At some point,
it would be better to do a Fast Fourier Transform, picking the size of your
frequency bands to match your needs. Stacking up several stand-alone band-pass
filters would be much less efficient than a single FFT algorithm which
computes all the results at once - which has the advantage of using partial
results many times.
Brian Willoughby
Sound Consulting
On Friday, January 11, 2002, at 02:12 PM, Lieven Dekeyser wrote:
Maybe this is a stupid question but I really don't know much about
audio processing :-)
What frequencies does a BandPassFilter AudioUnit with center frequency
5000 and bandwidth 600 filter?
Does it cut out exactly all frequencies below 4400hz and above 5600hz
leave those between 4400 and 5600 untouched like
this: (sorry about the ascii art ;) )
| |
_____| |_____
or is it more like this:
/ \
___/ \___