Re: multiple track synthesizer problem
Re: multiple track synthesizer problem
- Subject: Re: multiple track synthesizer problem
- From: Chris Rogers <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 12:53:43 -0800
One thing I noticed is that you're calling AUGraphInitialize() on the
graph before you set the properties (for sample banks and reverb)
on the two DLSMusicDevices. You should call this afterwards.
Another observation is that you're loading both synths with exactly
the same sample bank. In your case, it seems easier to simply use
one synth (no mixer) and use different MIDI channels (or group ID) to get what
you want. Using multiple synths is generally only useful if you're
either using different sample banks for each one, or you have different
effects connected to the outputs of each one.
Chris Rogers
Core Audio
Apple Computer
Has anyone gotten a multiple-track synthesizer to work using sampled
sounds? I still haven't gotten the modified version of AUViewTest
below to work properly, so I'm limited to using multiple MIDI
channels in one track to produce the correct output.
From: Zak Stone <email@hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 30, 2002 5:09:01 PM US/Eastern
To: email@hidden
Subject: Re: multiple track synthesizer problem
Thanks for the help! I've implemented multiple synth tracks in a
modified version of AUViewTest, but the sound the program produces
isn't correct. The program should load a custom SoundFont and play
three pairs of simultaneous notes, where each pair has one note on
instrument 1 and the other on instrument 2. The code below loads
the custom SoundFont from an FSSpec without a problem, but the
first pair of notes plays staggered incorrectly (though with each
note on a different instrument as desired). The notes in the second
two pairs play simultaneously, but both incorrectly use sounds from
instrument 2. I don't think the custom SoundFont is causing a
problem, though, because I've implemented the same idea using
separate MIDI channels in a single track and the notes always play
simultaneously on the correct instruments. What's going wrong in
this multiple track implementation?
These are the relevant functions I've changed in AUViewTest:
void AUViewTest::BuildGraph()
// Two DLS synths -> mixer -> output
AUNode synthNode, synthNode2, mixerNode, outputNode;
ComponentDescription desc;
// create nodes
desc.componentType = kAudioUnitComponentType;
desc.componentFlags = 0;
desc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
// DLS MusicDevice
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_MusicDevice;
desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitID_DLSSynth;
RequireNoErr(AUGraphNewNode(mGraph, &desc, 0, NULL, &synthNode));
RequireNoErr(AUGraphNewNode(mGraph, &desc, 0, NULL, &synthNode2));
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_Mixer;
desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitID_StereoMixer;
RequireNoErr(AUGraphNewNode(mGraph, &desc, 0, NULL, &mixerNode));
// default output unit
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_Output;
desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitID_DefaultOutput;
RequireNoErr(AUGraphNewNode(mGraph, &desc, 0, NULL, &outputNode));
// connect nodes, using synth output 1 since reverb will
occupy output 0 below
RequireNoErr(AUGraphConnectNodeInput(mGraph, synthNode, 1,
mixerNode, 0 ));
RequireNoErr(AUGraphConnectNodeInput(mGraph, synthNode2, 1,
mixerNode, 1 ));
RequireNoErr(AUGraphConnectNodeInput(mGraph, mixerNode, 0,
outputNode, 0 ));
AudioUnit theSynth, theSynth2, theMixer, theOutput;
RequireNoErr(AUGraphGetNodeInfo(mGraph, synthNode, NULL,
NULL, NULL, &theSynth));
RequireNoErr(AUGraphGetNodeInfo(mGraph, synthNode2, NULL,
NULL, NULL, &theSynth2));
RequireNoErr(AUGraphGetNodeInfo(mGraph, mixerNode, NULL,
NULL, NULL, &theMixer));
RequireNoErr(AUGraphGetNodeInfo(mGraph, outputNode, NULL,
NULL, NULL, &theOutput));
mSynth = theSynth;
mSynthNode = synthNode;
mSynthNode2 = synthNode2;
mMixerNode = mixerNode;
UInt32 reverb = 0;
// set both synth units to my custom soundbank
AudioUnitSetProperty(theSynth, kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankFSSpec,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &fss, sizeof(FSSpec));
AudioUnitSetProperty(theSynth2, kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankFSSpec,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &fss, sizeof(FSSpec));
// turn off internal reverb
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &reverb, sizeof(UInt32));
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &reverb, sizeof(UInt32));
void AUViewTest::BuildSequence()
MusicSequence sequence;
MusicTrack instr1, instr2, tempoTrack;
MusicPlayer player;
Float64 beatsPerMinute = 80;
RequireNoErr(MusicSequenceGetTempoTrack(sequence, &tempoTrack));
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewExtendedTempoEvent(tempoTrack, 0,
RequireNoErr(MusicSequenceNewTrack(sequence, &instr1));
RequireNoErr(MusicSequenceNewTrack(sequence, &instr2));
MusicTimeStamp t = 0;
MIDIChannelMessage chmsg;
// change to instrument index 0 (in my custom SoundFont)
chmsg.status = 0xC0;
chmsg.data1 = 0;
chmsg.data2 = 0;
chmsg.reserved = 0;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDIChannelEvent(instr1, t, &chmsg));
// change to instrument index 2
chmsg.status = 0xC0;
chmsg.data1 = 2;
chmsg.data2 = 0;
chmsg.reserved = 0;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDIChannelEvent(instr2, t, &chmsg));
float kDuration = 2.0, kInterval = 2.5;
int root = 60;
MIDINoteMessage msg; = 0;
msg.velocity = 96;
msg.reserved = 0;
msg.duration = kDuration;
msg.note = root;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDINoteEvent(instr1, t, &msg));
// sorry for the discordance, but I wanted to make sure all
notes were playing
msg.note = root + 2;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDINoteEvent(instr2, t, &msg));
t += kInterval;
msg.note = root + 3;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDINoteEvent(instr1, t, &msg));
msg.note = root + 5;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDINoteEvent(instr2, t, &msg));
t += kInterval;
msg.note = root;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDINoteEvent(instr1, t, &msg));
msg.note = root + 2;
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackNewMIDINoteEvent(instr2, t, &msg));
RequireNoErr(MusicSequenceSetAUGraph(sequence, mGraph));
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackSetDestNode(instr1, mSynthNode));
RequireNoErr(MusicTrackSetDestNode(instr2, mSynthNode2));
RequireNoErr(MusicPlayerSetSequence(player, sequence));
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