Re: Restarting MIDI
Re: Restarting MIDI
- Subject: Re: Restarting MIDI
- From: Denis Queffeulou <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 09:38:49 +0200
When I want to change the parameters, I dispose all port and re-init
all stuff but I have an error :
error to start MIDI server
(something like -10859 error code, I don't exactly remember, sorry)
Check and see if the MIDI Server process is terminating. I used to see
something like that when drivers get into infinite loops (Make sure you
have up to date MIDI drivers for your interface).
I look at the process viewer after the MIDI port dispose and it shows that MIDIServer becomes
"zombie". After that, the same application can't restart it. The MIDIServer exits when the
application exits.
I think MIDIServer becomes zombie when I disconnect the MIDI input port.
It's strange because an application like Reason do it (MIDI input port change) without any problem !
I don't how to do that properly.
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