Re: MIDI Object dictionary property kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration
Re: MIDI Object dictionary property kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration
- Subject: Re: MIDI Object dictionary property kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration
- From: Doug Wyatt <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 18:45:05 -0800
Hi Steve,
On Jan 26, 2004, at 6:49, Steve O'Connell wrote:
I'm trying to set the patch file for a client (or client endpoint)
using the
function MIDIObjectSetDictionaryProperty with the property
kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration. I'm using 10.3.2. The file name that
dictionary points to is the MMA .midnam XML file.
The problem is that I get a crash when I call
MIDIObjectSetDictionaryProperty for either the client or client
So it's crashing in your app's call to MIDIObjectSetDictionaryProperty,
not in the MIDIServer?
can't find any example code anywhere, just the minimal documentation
included in the MIDIServices.h header file.
First, just to test the machinery here ... does this program crash for
you? It doesn't for me.
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
OSStatus err;
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
CFDictionaryAddValue(dict, CFSTR("foo"), CFSTR("bar"));
MIDIDeviceRef aDevice = MIDIGetDevice(0);
if (aDevice == NULL)
return 1;
err = MIDIObjectSetDictionaryProperty(aDevice,
CFSTR(""), dict);
printf("err = %ld\n", err);
return 0;
Are you initializing your dictionary in some other way?
How do I attach a patch file for an endpoint? I assume I use
MIDIObjectSetDictionaryProperty as opposed to
Yes, the property is documented as having a dictionary value. Set it on
the highest-level object in the device/entity/endpoint hierarchy as is
appropriate ... the lower ones will inherit.
see that the kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration property dictionary also
supports a list of names ("banks" of the dictionary) in addition to an
explicit file reference ("master" of the dictionary).
To make a diagram out of the comments in the header:
kMIDIPropertyNameConfiguration dictionary:
"banks" -> dictionary:
<patch bank name> -> dictionary:
"file" -> CFData containing alias to document
"patchNameList" -> <PatchNameList element name>
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