Whenever I attempt to use AudioUnitSetRenderNotification(),
the result code returned is badComponentSelector (-2147450878, “Component
does not support the specified request code.”), and my callback is never
The AUs I have tried this with have been Apple’s
Delay, the dev sample code’s SampleEffect, and Smartelectronix’s
I am creating a graph of several nodes (opening,
initializing, and starting), getting the effect AudioUnit for the node I am
interested in render notification for, and attempting to pass this AudioUnit to
AudioUnitSetRenderNotification(). The graph itself is functionaing and
rendering audio as expected.
Does an AU need to be specially written to support this
function? I was hoping to just tap into any I was interested in.
Many thanks.
Scott Puhl
(My apologies if this is accidentally sent
to the list twice. I believe my first version was sent before I had
confirmed my subscription.)