From: Stephen Shaw
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006
2:14 PM
To: 'CoreAudio
Cc: 'email@hidden'
Subject: Re: Recognizing iSight as
audio input device?
So I tried the sample app
after disabling one processor, I also on several different machines in our lab,
and I tried it on a powerbook G4. The only one it worked on was the
powerbook g4.
However, in the process of
banging on it I found I can get it to work on my duel processor machine if:
open the ComplexPlayThru
Open the sound system
preference panel and select iSight as default input.
Leave the preference panel
open and switch back to ComplexPlayThru
Start the audio playback on
the Complexplaythru application
The audio input from
firewire works.
If I don’t have the
sound system preference panel open when I start the ComplexPlayThru
application, it doesn’t work.
Once I’m running the
ComplexPlayThru audio, I can close the sound system preference and it will
continue to work.
Is there some sort of
‘secret’ initialization call or some timing /synchronization issue
that I’m missing? J
Btw, my iSight is updated to
the 1.03 firmware.