Re: how do I change bitsperchannel value
Re: how do I change bitsperchannel value
- Subject: Re: how do I change bitsperchannel value
- From: "apple question" <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 13:27:22 -0800
you are right. I should've changed the mBytesPerFrame, etc. Let me look
through my code one more time. Thanks.
From: Geoff Brown <email@hidden>
To: apple question <email@hidden>
CC: email@hidden
Subject: Re: how do I change bitsperchannel value
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:14:35 -0700
Yes, you are allowed to change the bits per channel with an audio
converter. I suspect Doug was asking you to share the actual values of
your audio stream basic descriptions so he could see where the format
error was. You dont show how you set mBytesPerFrame, but the code below
would not set that value correctly in the outDataFormat.
You will need to change that value and the
mBytesPerPacket value to be consistent with 16 bits per channel.
Whenever you set up a stream basic description you should look at it very
carefully to be certain that all its values are consistent. I am sure you
will find that the values in your outDataFormat are not.
good luck
On Jul 10, 2006, at 2:04 PM, apple question wrote:
I am using the following test function. Any idea what is wrong here? Are
we even allowed to do simple bitsperchannel converting? Thanks.
OSStatus Test::TestConverter()
OSStatus err;
AudioConverterRef converter;
int nChannels = 1;
CAStreamBasicDescription inDataFormat;
inDataFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
inDataFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger |
kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; //Little Endian
inDataFormat.mBytesPerPacket = inDataFormat.mBytesPerFrame = nChannels *
inDataFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
inDataFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = nChannels;
inDataFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32;
CAStreamBasicDescription outDataFormat = inDataFormat;
outDataFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
err = AudioConverterNew(&inDataFormat, &outDataFormat, &converter);
//fail, errcode "fmt?"
return err;
From: Doug Wyatt <email@hidden>
To: apple question <email@hidden>
CC: email@hidden
Subject: Re: how do I change bitsperchannel value
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 13:23:22 -0700
On Jul 7, 2006, at 09:42 , apple question wrote:
How do I change the bitsperchannel value for the audio data? i.e, the
original LPCM data is 32bits per channel, I want to convert the data
to 16bits per channel. Create Audio Converter will fail if I have
different bitsperchannel value for input and output data formats.
What are the full AudioStreamBasicDescriptions?
One or both are probably incorrect.
For 16-bit big-endian signed integer, the ASBD should be:
mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsBigEndian |
kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked;
mBytesPerPacket = mBytesPerFrame = nchannels * 2; // 16 bits -> 2 bytes
mFramesPerPacket = 1;
mChannelsPerFrame = nchannels;
mBitsPerChannel = 16;
Doug Wyatt
Core Audio, Apple
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