I've tried posting my AUval output but it bounces back as it
goes over the 12K posting limit! So just the parameter list then
Parameter ID:0
Name: Wet gain
Parameter Type: Generic
Values: Minimum = 0.000000, Default = 0.000000, Maximum = 1.000000
Flags: Display Logarithmic, High Resolution, Readable, Writable
-parameter PASS
Parameter ID:1
Name: Dry gain
Parameter Type: Generic
Values: Minimum = 0.000000, Default = 0.000000, Maximum = 1.000000
Flags: Display Logarithmic, High Resolution, Readable, Writable
-parameter PASS
Parameter ID:2
Name: Wall absorb
Parameter Type: Generic
Values: Minimum = 0.000000, Default = 0.000000, Maximum = 1.000000
Flags: Display Logarithmic, High Resolution, Readable, Writable
-parameter PASS
Passes for all.
My GUI is crapped out because my AUParameter Listener is getting
NaN's for its 'inValue' which it's passing on.
I set my parameters like this:-
ComponentResult EffectBaseAU::SetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID
iID, AudioUnitScope iScope, AudioUnitElement iElem, Float32
rValue, UInt32 iSchedule)
if (iScope==kAudioUnitScope_Global && iElem==0)
pDSP->setParameter(iID, rValue); // Set the wrapped DSP vars.
// set up an AudioUnitParameter structure with all of the
necessary values
static AudioUnitParameter dirtyParam;
memset(&dirtyParam, 0, sizeof(dirtyParam)); // zero
out the struct
dirtyParam.mAudioUnit = GetComponentInstance();
dirtyParam.mParameterID = iID;
dirtyParam.mScope = kAudioUnitScope_Global;
dirtyParam.mElement = (AudioUnitElement)0;
AUParameterListenerNotify(NULL, NULL, &dirtyParam);
return noErr;
return AUBase::SetParameter(iID, iScope, iElem, rValue,
I'm only getting these NaN's from Live, everything else seems
quite happy including AudioUnitHosting.
But other AU's work with automated params in Live, do I need to
set anything else along with the GetParameterList?
Dave Hoskins
== =================
----- Original Message ----- From: Dave Hoskins
To: CoreAudio API
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:16 PM
Subject: GetParameterList in ableton Live problem
Hi, I've implemented a GetParamterList which looks like it
enables the parameter control drop down menus in Live - all my
variables are displayed correctly. I've debugged it and it
appears to return the size (47) first then duly allocate the
block for the list is the AU dispatch code.
The problem is that it completely messes up my GUI, with weird
lines everywhere and NaN variables displayed. Has anybody had
this problem that can help? This is the single bit of code that
seems to cause havoc..
ComponentResult EffectBaseAU::GetParameterList(AudioUnitScope
iScope, AudioUnitParameterID* asIDList, UInt32& riNum)
// Returns the parameter list.
if (iScope==kAudioUnitScope_Global)
if (asIDList)
for (UInt32 i=0; i < TAGnumParams; i++) asIDList[i]=i;
riNum = TAGnumParams;
return noErr;
return AUBase::GetParameterList(iScope, asIDList, riNum);
Dave Hoskins
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