OSStatus status = AudioQueueNewOutput( //create the queue
&ASBDesc, //param 1: the data format of the audio to play
AQSCallback, //param 2: my callback function
&callbackData, //param 3: the custom data struct the callback needs: up to me
NULL, //param 4: call callback on an AQ internal thread
kCFRunLoopCommonModes, //param 5: The current run loop
0, //param 6: reserved fur future use; must be 0
&queue //param 7: the newly created playback audio queue
but note the description of AudioQueueNewOutput in "AudioQueueServicesReference" (page 20):
OSStatus AudioQueueNewInput (
const AudioStreamBasicDescription *inFormat,
AudioQueueInputCallback inCallbackProc,
void *inUserData,
CFRunLoopRef inCallbackRunLoop,
CFStringRef inCallbackRunLoopMode,
UInt32 inFlags,
AudioQueueRef *outAQ
The run loop mode in which to call the callback. Typically, you pass kCFRunLoopCommonModes.
... kCFRunLoopCommonModes is indeed Parameter #5 of my call of AudioQueueNewOutput.
Any ideas?
On 2008Apr29, at 06:44, Brian Whitman wrote:
0x666D743F = 'fmt?' =
kAudioConverterErr_FormatNotSupportedOn Apr 29, 2008, at 1:14 AM, Roland Silver wrote: