On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 10:01:25PM -0800, Stefan Alder wrote:
> Marc, I saw your post here:
> openal-devel/2008-November/005315.html.
> Has this been resolved? I'm getting clicking on start and stop. Please let me
> know if you happen to have any ideas or if there's a patch out there that I can
> test.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Stefan Alder <
> Date: Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 1:33 PM
> Subject: OpenAl Start/Stop crackle/pop
> To:
> I'm using OpenAl to play a view different looping sounds. On calling
> alSourceStop, a crackle/pop sound is frequently produced. AlSourceStart then
> also produces a similar sound.
> 1) Stop crackle
> It seems that alSourceStop causes the sound to stop immediately, sometimes when
> the waveform amplitude is > 0, in turn causes the crackle. I can understand
> this, but I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a way to minimize this, i.e.
> perhaps stopping the sound when the waveform passes through 0?
> 2) Start crackle
> Before calling alSourceStart, the buffers are unqueued from the source, which
> as far as I can understand should clear the soure queue. But, it seems that
> some samples are left in the source's queue from the previous playback. Is
> there anyway to clear these?
> Thanks!
I recall that those ramp functions are only called for some of the