Does anyone know of any easy way to decompose mFormatFlags
into their components
The kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO on the iPhone returns
mFormatFlags = 3116? What does this mean? (this is the value displayed in the
If my math is correct
3116 = bit wise & of 2048, 1024, 32, 8, 4 (in decimal)
Going through the documentation I found
kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger = (1 << 2) // 0x4
kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked =
( 1 <<3) // 0x8
kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleved = (1 << 5) // 0x20
any idea what 1024 and 2048 are?
Is there a utility function that will print out these values
in human readable forms?
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