I'm trying to make iPhone Apps(OS ver. 3.0) using AUGraph of Core Audio.
It's simply mixing two audio files using Audio unit.
Audio unit flow graph is,
ExtAudioFileOpenURL(voice) -
| - AUMixer(kAudioUnitSubType_MultiChannelMixer) - AUOutput(kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO)
ExtAudioFileOpenURL(music) -
It works good, but only problem is a single channel in voice file.
Music is ok, I can hear both left and right side well. (and music file is 2 channels).
But, I only can hear left side from voice file. (and voice file is 1 channel).
I want to hear voice file in both side, (so called mono to stereo in core audio mailing list.) but I can't find the solution.
I tried to use AUConverter, but it does not working with channelMap.
How to set ChannelMap to work mono -> stereo?
I need your help.
Thank you for reading.