Good call! I can confirm quite a bit of this with auval itself
Initial-Installers-Mac-Pro:~ ajames$ auval -64 -s aumu 2>&1 | grep aumu
aumu NBa3 -NI- - Native Instruments: Battery 3
aumu Nik4 -NI- - Native Instruments: Kontakt 4
aumu dls appl - Apple: DLSMusicDevice
Initial-Installers-Mac-Pro:~ ajames$ auval -s aumu 2>&1 | grep aumu
aumu Clm5 -NI- - Native Instruments: Absynth 5
aumu NBa3 -NI- - Native Instruments: Battery 3
aumu NiKP -NI- - Native Instruments: Kore
aumu NiMa -NI- - Native Instruments: Massive
aumu NiR5 -NI- - Native Instruments: Reaktor5
aumu Nif8 -NI- - Native Instruments: FM8
aumu Nik4 -NI- - Native Instruments: Kontakt 4
aumu dls appl - Apple: DLSMusicDevice
Doesn't this
mean that a universal binary will not solve the problem since on a 64 bit machine it will always run the x86_64 "sub-binary"? By way of confirmation, I'm on a 64-bit machine and let's run the auvaltool binary that auval wraps
Initial-Installers-Mac-Pro:~ ajames$ file /usr/bin/auvaltool
/usr/bin/auvaltool: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/usr/bin/auvaltool (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable
/usr/bin/auvaltool (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386
Initial-Installers-Mac-Pro:~ ajames$ auvaltool -s aumu 2>&1 | grep aumu
aumu NBa3 -NI- - Native Instruments: Battery 3
aumu Nik4 -NI- - Native Instruments: Kontakt 4
aumu dls appl - Apple:
Since I'm writing an AU hosting app, this seems to mean that I must build an i386 binary so that I can get those AU plugins that have not been built for a 64 bit architecture yet?