In searching the archives, I see that this comes up fairly frequently, but as the resources constantly evolve and update and the only thing that seems to stay the same is 'constant change', it seems reasonable to post it again.
I'm a musician and fairly sophisticated computer user. To deepen my appreciation of both computers and music, I've decided to learn to program for the Mac. I'm on an Audio "track" but the path enlightenment in this area is a little hard to see. I've bought Programming in Objective-C 2.0, by Steve Kochan, and Cocoa Programming For Mac Os X by Hillegass and Preble. Both books have been great, and very informative. They've built tons on top of my basic C/procedural understanding and given me deep insight into Mac OS X. Both books however leave me feeling a little underprepared for audio programming and I'm wondering what's next.
My question for the group would be - what would you prescribe as an ideal path for learning, as an audio minded dev in August of 2012? What is there, no matter how small or trivial sounding, that you wish someone would have told you as you were getting started?
I'm not all that interested in the business of software and I don't imagine I'll be selling applications at all, but I'm really interested in the process of building tools for music.
I'd like to gather some of your input to make a "Getting started in Audio Programming" guide on the web at some point.
Thanks for reading, and in advance for any input you might have.
Joshua Case NY, NY USA |