my audio plugins are bundles with binaries containing exports
for all supported formats, say AU and VST. I copy the exact same bundle
(just different extension) to
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components for AU
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST for VST
Now when user opens say the VST plugin, it works fine. But when he
opens the AU plugin afterwards it crashes and from the stack trace it
looks like a complete mess one module calling the other etc. I
originally thought it's the good old Cocoa global classname, being the
huge Mac OS X design flaw, but it seems it's not the case, because the
VST uses Carbon.
It seems it doesn't load the AU module at all, it just created
another component from the VST module, just with AU interface! I have a
global variable in there, so I logged its address and it's the same for
both plugins, so it must be the same module, right?
Unfortunately I need really the right one loaded for each, because
they have different initialization and globals. So how can I make OS
load the second one properly?