Re: AVAudioRecorder questions (iOS) about ".aac" vs ".m4a" formatting
Re: AVAudioRecorder questions (iOS) about ".aac" vs ".m4a" formatting
- Subject: Re: AVAudioRecorder questions (iOS) about ".aac" vs ".m4a" formatting
- From: Mahboud Zabetian <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 04:58:50 -0700
The answer to question 1 is that you have to set the audio session correctly, otherwise the m4a file does not get formatted correctly. The audio session code that I now set, just before I start recording is:
AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord error:nil];
[session setActive:YES error:nil];
I set the session back for playback after recording is finished so that audio files can be played back.
Funny that I can create a perfect .aac file, without setting the session (using the default) but to get the m4a wrapper to be filled out correctly, I have to have the session set. I must have the wrong idea as to the difference between an AAC file and an AAC encapsulated in an m4a file.
Question 2 is a problem in VLC which was displaying the incorrect number of channels. The audio file, in the MacOS Finder's Get Info window, shows up as single channel.
Question 3 is unanswered, but I suspect it has to be done with a different API.
On Jul 8, 2013, at 2:30 PM, Mahboud Zabetian <email@hidden> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am trying to modify an iOS app that can send audio files (securely/encrypted) to other iOS devices. It uses AVAudioRecorder to record the audio files, and it uses AVAudioPlayer to play back any received audio files.
> I am now trying to modify the app to create and send files that are compatible with Android. I modified the existing AVAudioRecorder code to this:
> [settings setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC] forKey:AVFormatIDKey];
> [settings setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:AVAudioQualityMin] forKey:AVEncoderAudioQualityKey];
> [settings setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:16] forKey:AVEncoderBitRateKey];
> [settings setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 1] forKey:AVNumberOfChannelsKey];
> [settings setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:48000.0] forKey:AVSampleRateKey];
> NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
> NSString *dirPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
> NSDateFormatter *format = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
> [format setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm"];
> NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.aac", [format]];
> The files created by this are playable on a Mac, on an iOS device, but not on an Android device. If the file extension were manually changed to end in ".m4a", then the file plays on Android.
> (The advantage with the ".aac" format is that old versions of the app can receive these files and play them back — I've maintained backwards compatibility.)
> So I made this change:
> NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.m4a", [format]];
> However, the resultant file (which is created with no errors from AVAudioRecorder) cannot be played on Macs nor on iOS devices. And I am waiting to hear whether it works on Android.
> When AVAudioPlayer tries to open that file, it outputs:
> Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=1685348671 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 1685348671.)"
> Code 1685348671 -> "dta?": The file is malformed, not a valid instance of an audio file of its type, or not recognized as an audio file.
> Merely renaming the file to have a ".aac" again doesn't change the fact that it can't be loaded into anything on the Mac or iOS.
> Right now, it seems like the best solution would be to create a ".aac" file, and then have the Android end replace the ".aac" with ".m4a" and try to play it.
> Question 1: Does anyone know why changing the filename extension can cause AVAudioPLayer to fail? BTW, the ".m4a" file I created above, can't be opened with anything I have on the Mac so I can't tell whether the problem is with the file format or the inability of iOS or Macs to read this file type.
> For anyone curious, I put a copy of an ".aac" and a ".m4a" file from AVAudioRecorder, here:
> 13-24.m4a
> 10-11.aac
> Question 2: While I set AVAudioRecorder to one channel, the resultant file is stereo. Why? (At least that is what VLC says about the metadata)
> Question 3: Is there anyway to specify AAC-LC for lossless encoding? Or can I only do so if I move from AVAudioRecorder to a lower level API?
> Thanks.
> mahboud
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