Re: AVAssetReader crashing under 10.8.2
Re: AVAssetReader crashing under 10.8.2
- Subject: Re: AVAssetReader crashing under 10.8.2
- From: Matthias Hänel <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 14:05:16 +0200
Hi Chris Ashworth,
I have to correct myself. It is not a similiar bug, it's exactly the same ;)
Every now and then I see a stall or a crash. The crash is exactly where you pointed
in AQTime.
Unfortunately, I don't really understand your fix. How is it possible to defer just
cancelReading while the application runs further. My whole AVFoundation calls are in just one
thread that mean in general those calls to AV are safe but when I defer cancelReading the
other calls are running on the Reader object and crash therefore. How do you do it?
Am 04.10.2013 um 08:44 schrieb Matthias Hänel <email@hidden>:
> Hey Chris,
> this is quite a coinsidence since yesterday I have found a similar bug as well. Are you sure this 200ms wait will solve the problem?
> I am on 10.8.5 and I don't see a crash, but a stall some times in copyNextSampleBuffer. this makes it not similar, I know.
> The stall occours only after I scrubbed, that means very fast position changes. To change a possition I haven't found another solution
> then to cancel the Reader, release it an build the entire reader once more see here:
> <snippet>
> [assetReader cancelReading];
> if( assetReader )
> {
> [assetReader release];
> assetReader = nil;
> }
> if( audioOutput )
> {
> [audioOutput release];
> audioOutput = nil;
> }
> NSError* error = nil;
> assetReader = [AVAssetReader assetReaderWithAsset: asset
> error: &error];
> [assetReader retain];
> if (error == nil)
> {
> audioOutput = [[AVAssetReaderTrackOutput assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack: audioTrack outputSettings: decompressionAudioSettings] retain];
> </snippet>
> There you might notive the similarity ;) I know it is pretty heavy to release everything and build everything up again and it
> obviously shows the bug you encountered.
> Probably, I cannot dispatch the cancelReading, I'll have to wait there :( This is unfortunetly, not a sufficient solution for real world
> applications.
> kind regards
> Matthias
> Am 02.10.2013 um 17:52 schrieb Christopher Ashworth <email@hidden>:
>> Hi again all,
>> I'm happy to report that we eventually found a workaround for this, which I'll share here in hopes of helping some future developer searching through the archives:
>> It appears that Apple's code has a race condition when you cancel an AVAssetReader that is still spinning up from a call to startReading.
>> We managed to mostly (entirely?) avoid this crash by adding a delay of 200ms before our call to cancelReading, which in our code can sometimes happen quickly after we call startReading. e.g.:
>> AVAssetReader *localReader = _reader; // local variables are retained by blocks
>> double delayInSeconds = 0.2;
>> dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
>> dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(void){
>> [localReader cancelReading];
>> });
>> Hope that helps someone,
>> Chris
>> On Aug 14, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Christopher Ashworth <email@hidden> wrote:
>>> HI all,
>>> We're also encountering this crash in the AQClient thread, now in 10.8.4. It has been difficult for us to recreate ourselves, but it's far and away our most common crash.
>>> I spoke with the original poster (Michael) off list and it sounds like our scenarios are similar: we're both handling all buffering, playback, and sync directly. We use AVAssetReader to extract and then buffer frames on a background thread.
>>> In our case, our code can operate both reading using CoreAudio (ExtAudioFileRef) or AVAssetReader. The two code paths have minimal differences, except for this crash.
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